Chemical Sciences

Archive / Volume LXXIII 2023


1Rivne State Humanities University, Plastova st., 31в, 33000 Rivne, Ukraine

2Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Kyryla i Mefodiya Str., 6, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine



Electrically conductive conjugated polyaminoarenes based on polyaniline and its derivatives, possessing their own electronic conductivity, and act as electrically conductive fillers in composites with dielectric polymer matrices.
Using the 2-contact method of measuring specific resistance, the electrical properties of polymer-polymer composites based on dielectric polymer matrices of various types, both water-soluble (PVA, PMAА, PAА) and hydrophobic (PMMA, PBMA, ED-20), were investigated.
Conjugated polyaminoarenes – polyorthotoluidine (PoT), polyorthoanisidine (PoA), and polyaniline (PANі), were used as electrically conductive polymer fillers.
To describe the concentration dependence of the electrical conductivity of polymer-polymer composites, the Kirkpatrick model (scaling law) was used, which allows describing the percolation properties of conductor-dielectric composites.
It was established that the curves of the dependence of the specific electrical conductivity of the composites on the volume content of the polymer filler in all cases are characterized by a percolation dependence with percolation threshold values at the level of 2–10 vol. %.
With such a small content of conjugated polymer, the conductivity increases by 6–10 orders of magnitude for all investigated composites. It can be assumed that at the maximum content of the conductive filler in the composite, proper contact between particles is ensured, while the conductive filler forms its own polymer network (conductivity cluster), inside the «host» polymer, which permeates the entire volume of the material and a continuous conductive phase is formed, which is uniformly is distributed throughout the volume of the polymer composite.
For the first time, the critical parameters of the conductivity of polymer composites with an electrically conductive polymer filler before and after the percolation threshold «s» and «t» were determined. It was established that the value of the percolation threshold and critical parameters of conductivity depends on many factors, primarily on the type of dielectric matrix and the structure of the filler, the presence and type of the substituent of the benzene nucleus in the polyaminoarene molecule.

Keywords: polymer composite, conductive polymer, dielectric matrix, percolation threshold, critical parameters.


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