Chemical Sciences

Archive / Volume LXXIII 2023

Liliya BAZYLYAK*1, Pavlo LYUTYI2,3, Yaroslav PILYUK1, Iryna BALASHOVA1, Maryana SHEPIDA3, Galyna ZOZULYA3, Orest KUNTYI3, Andriy KYTSYA1,2

1Department of Physical Chemistry of Fossil Fuels of the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry named after L. М. Lytvynenko of the National academy of Ukraine, Naukova Str. 3а, 79060, Lviv, Ukraine

2Physico-Mechanical Institute named after G. V. Karpenko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 5 Naukova Str., Lviv, 79060, Ukraine

3Lviv Polytechnic National University, Bandery Str. 12, 79013, Lviv, Ukraine



The use of metal nanoparticles based on d-elements as catalysts of chemical processes, in particular in the reactions of reduction of organic substances to practically important products, allows to achieve a significant acceleration of the process with a low metal content in the system. By galvanic replacement of a "passive" metal on the surface of a more active metal using metal nanoparticles as "sacrificial" materials, it is possible to obtain the nano-structures in which the properties of the "sacrificial" metal are complemented by the properties of the deposited material. Ni(Pd) nanosized polymetallic composite materials were synthesized by the method of galvanic replacement. The structure and phase composition of the obtained Ni(Pd) nanostructures were investigated using SEM, EDX, and X-ray powder diffraction (X-ray phase X-ray analysis). It was established that the elemental composition of the obtained binary nanostructures coincides with the composition of the reaction mixture, and the obtained nanocomposites practically do not contain impurities of nickel oxides / hydroxides.
The catalytic activity of the synthesized bimetallic Ni(Pd) nanoparticles was studied using the example of the reduction reaction of p-nitrophenol with NaBH4 solution. It was found that in the all cases the process of reduction of p–nitrophenol NaBH4 in the presence of Ni(Pd) nanoparticles as a catalyst is described by the first-order kinetic equation for p-nitrophenol. It was established that the catalytic activity of the investigated nanoparticles based on nickel (Ni) decorated with palladium (Pd) is almost twice as high as that based on pure Ni nanoparticles, and its decoration with palladium (Pd) nanoparticles significantly increases their catalytic activity. It was shown that the deco¬ration of nanoparticles based on nickel (Ni) with palladium (Pd) significantly increases their catalytic activity. Moreover, the reduction rate of p-nitrophenol in the presence of Ni(Pd) is almost two times higher, compared to effective catalytic systems known from the literature. The results of the study of the catalytic activity of the obtained Ni(Pd) polymetallic nanostructures using the example of the reduction reaction of p-nitrophenol with sodium borohydride to p-aminophenol showed that such systems are a promising material for the development of new types of magnetically separable catalysts for the production of aminoaromatic compounds.

Keywords: bimetallic nanoparticles, nickel, palladium, catalysis.


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    How to Cite

    Bazylyak L., Lyutyi P., Pilyuk Ya., Balashova I., Shepida M., Zozulya G., Kuntyi O., Kytsya A. SYNTHESIS OF POLYMETAL NANOSTRUCTURES Ni(Pd) AND THEIR CATALYTIC ACTIVITY IN THE REDUCTION PROCESSES OF p-NITROPHENOL. Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc. Chem. Sci. 2023. Vol. LXXIII. P. 68-78.

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