Chemical Sciences

Archive / Volume LXXIII 2023


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Kyryla i Mefodiya St., 6, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine



The Scientific School “Crystal Chemistry”, which is established at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, is well-known all over the world for their contributions in the field of crystal chemistry of intermetallic compounds. The activities cover studies of the interaction of components in metallic systems, phase diagrams, crystal structures, chemical and physical properties, and applications. The School was founded 60 years ago, by Evgen Cherkashyn, Evgen Gladyshevskii, and Petro-Bogdan Krypyakevych. Since the foundation of the School, scientists have investigated interactions involving more than 70 different chemical elements in about 3,000 multicomponent systems: constructed isothermal sections of the phase diagrams of 1,400 systems, confirmed or revealed the formation and determined the crystal structures of 6,700 compounds, and discovered 520 new structure types. The analysis of the large amount of experimental material and various theoretical data on the crystal structures of intermetallic compounds made it possible to deduce a number of important crystal chemical regularities among intermetallic compounds. Petro-Bogdan Krypyakevych proposed a universally recognized method to systematize the structure types of intermetallic compounds based on the coordination of the atoms, which is included in the International Historical Atlas of Crystallography. Evgen Gladyshevskii and his successor Oksana Bodak systematized the relationships between structure types and the transformations of one type into another. Other members extended the work to other classes of compounds: Maryan Myskiv formed a direction on crystal chemistry of complex compounds of copper(I) halides with organic ligands, Volodymyr Pavlyuk initiated research on hydrides – hydrogen accumulators, and Roman Gladyshevskii, in addition to contributing to the systematization of structure types of inorganic compounds, extended the research to superconducting oxides with high critical temperature. The contributions of Lviv Scientific School on Crystal Chemistry can be estimated to 20 % of the world achievements in the field of crystal chemistry of intermetallic compounds. The total number of scientific publications of the department reached 5,500 in 2023, including 56 monographs and handbooks. Scientists of the School are also the coauthors of 153 copyright certificates and patents. Under the scientific direction of the School, 191 doctors in chemical sciences (165 Ph.D., 26 Prof.) have been formed, and eleven members of the School are laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.

Keywords: : crystal chemistry, inorganic chemistry, materials science, crystal structure, structure type, scientific school.


    1. Villars P., Cenzual K., Daams J.L.C., Hulliger F., Okamoto H., Osaki K., Prince A., Iwata S. Pauling File, Inorganic Materials Database and Design System, Binaries Edition. - Crystal Impact (Distributor), Bonn, Germany, 2001.
    2. Zarechnyuk O.S., Krypyakevych P.I., Gladyshevskii E.I. Ternary intermetallic compounds with a BaAl4-type superlattice. Phys. Crystallogr. 1965. Vol. 9. P. 706-708.
    3. Krypyakevych P.I., Markiv V.Ya., Melnyk Е.V. Crystal structures of ZrNiAl, ZrCuGa compounds and their analogues. Dopov. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR. Ser. А. 1967. No. 8. P. 750-753. (in Ukrainian).
    4. Chaban N.F., Kuzma Yu.B., Bilonizhko N.S., Kachmar О.О., Petriv N.V. Ternary systems (Nd,Sm,Gd)-Fe-B. Dopov. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR. Ser. А. 1979. No. 5. P. 873-875. (in Ukrainian).
    5. Bodak O.I., Gladyshevskii E.I., Krypyakevych P.I. Crystal structure of the compound CeNi2Si2 and isostructural compounds in related systems. Inorg. Mater. 1966. Vol. 2. P. 1861-1864.
    6. Muratova L.O., Bodak О.І., Gladyshevskii E.I. System gadolinium-germanium-silicon. Visn. Lviv. Univ., Ser. Khim. 1975. Vol. 17. P. 30-32 (in Ukrainian).
    7. Krypyakevych P.I. Structure Types of Intermetallic Compounds. - Nauka, 1977. 288 p. (in Russian).
    8. Gladyshevskii E.I. Crystal Chemistry of Silicides and Germanides. - Metalurgiya, 1971. 296 p. (in Russian).
    9. Gladyshevskii E.I., Bodak О.І. Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds of Rare-Earth Metals. - Vyshcha Shkola, Lviv, 1982. 255 p. (in Russian).
    10. Villars P., Cenzual K., Daams J., Gladyshevskii R., et al. Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds. - Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2004-2012. 5688 p.
    11. Lima-de-Faria J. (Ed.). Historical Atlas of Crystallography. - Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1990. 158 p.
    12. Krypyakevych P. Electrolytic conductivity and intermolecular interaction. Scientific works of students of Lviv University. 1948. No. 1. P. 83–100. (in Russian).
    13. Cherkashyn E.E., Krypyakevych P.I. Classification of intermediate phases from the point of view of chemical individuality. Vidom. Sec. Fiz.-Khim. Analizu Akad. Nauk SRSR. 1949. No. 19. P. 443-451. (in Russian).
    14. Krypyakevych P.I., Gladyshevskii E.I., Cherkashyn E.E. Crystal structure of the CuMgSn ternary phase. Dopov. Akad. Nauk SRSR. Ser. А. 1950. Vol. 75(2). P. 205-207. (in Russian).
    15. Krypyakevych P.I. Research on the crystal chemistry of metallic compounds with high coordination numbers. Avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya. kandydata khim. nauk. Lviv, 1957. 12 p. (in Russian).
    16. Krypyakevych P.I. Structure types of intermetallic compounds. Avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya. doktora khim. nauk. Lviv, 1972. 38 p. (in Russian).
    17. Bodak O.I., Gladyshevskii E.I., Krypyakevych P.I. Crystal structure of CeFeSi and related compounds. J. Struct. Chem. 1970. Vol. 11. P. 283-288. (
    18. Yarmolyuk Ya.P., Krypyakevych P.I. On average weighted coordination numbers and the genesis of structures with the closest packing of atoms of unequal size and normal coordination polyhedra. Phys. Crystallogr. 1974. Vol. 19. P. 539–545.
    19. Villars P., Cenzual K. (Eds.). Pearson’s Crystal Data, Crystal Structure Database for Inorganic Compounds, Release 2021/22. - ASM International, Materials Park, OH, USA, 2021.
    20. Kuzma Yu.B., Krypyakevych P.I., Bilonizhko N.S. Crystal structure of the CeCo3B2 compound and its analogues. Dopov. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR. Ser. А. 1969. No. 10. P. 939-941. (in Ukrainian).
    21. Krypyakevych P.I., Zarechnyuk О.S. Compounds RCr2Al20 in the systems of rare earth metals and calcium and their crystal structures. Dopov. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR. Ser. А. 1968. No. 4. P. 364-367. (in Ukrainian).
    22. Krypyakevych P.I., Zarechnyuk О.S. Crystal structures of ternary compounds in the systems cerium-transition metal-aluminum. Phys. Crystallogr. 1963. No. 7. P. 436-446.
    23. Gladyshevskii E.I., Krypyakevych P.I., Teslyuk M.Yu. Crystal structure of the ternary phase Cu4MgSn. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. 1952. Vol. 85. P. 81–84. (in Russian).
    24. Gladyshevskii E., Pukas S., Lyaskovska N., Romaniv О., Lutsyshyn Yu. (Eds.). Petro-Bogdan Ivanovych Krypyakevych (1923-1980). Bibliographic guide. - Gran, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2005. 124 p. (in Ukrainian).

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