Chemical Sciences

Archive / Volume LXXIII 2023

Zinoviya SHPYRKA, Mariia-Bozhena TUNSKA, Larysa KOVALCHUK

1Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Kyryla and Mefodia Str., 6, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine
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2Department of General pedagogy and pedagogy of high school, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Tugan-Baranovskogo Str., 7, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine



The relevance of the study of the formation of health culture of higher education students of biological and chemical faculties in the study of chemical disciplines is outlined. The formation of a health culture of higher education students is considered as a holistic system of cultivating personal and professional qualities in students that contribute to the preservation and promotion of health through the comprehension of sustainable ideas about health as the highest value, increase motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, increase responsibility for their health and the health of others, and encourage continuous professional growth by updating health knowledge.
An integrated model of the system of health culture formation of higher education students is developed and substantiated, the structure of which consists of target, content-methodical and effective blocks. The proposed model reflects the purpose, main components, levels and criteria of health culture formation, reveals the importance of chemical disciplines for the formation of health culture, pedagogical conditions and approaches to the formation of health culture, the main stages and results of experimental work updating health-saving knowledge.
Pedagogical conditions are defined as a set of factors that contribute to the improvement of the organization of the educational process aimed at forming a culture of health, the need for a healthy lifestyle, health-saving skills, and create an atmosphere of cooperation between the teacher and the student. Important pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of motivational and value, cognitive and content, and practical and activity components of the health culture of higher education students in the study of chemical disciplines are the creation of a favorable cultural and educational environment, the integration of theoretical and practical training of students in the field of health, etc. Methodological recommendations for the formation of a culture of health of higher education students in the study of chemical disciplines in higher education institutions have been developed.

Keywords: health, health culture, chemical disciplines, higher education students, questionnaire.


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How to Cite

SHPYRKA Z., TUNSKA M.-B., KOVALCHUK L. Pedagogical conditions as a component of the system of formation health culture of higher education students in the study of chemical disciplines. Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc. Chem. Sci. 2023. Vol. LXXIII. P. 161-176.

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