Chemical Sciences

Archive / Volume LXXIII 2023

Volodymyr DUTKA1, Galyna MIDYANA2, Yuriy DUTKA2

1Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Kyryla and Mefodiya Str., 6, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine

2Physical-Chemistry of Combustible Minerals Department of Lytvynenko Institute of Physical-Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Naukova str., 3а, 79060 Lviv,Ukraine



The catalytic decomposition of peroxy acetic acid in various organic solvents in the presence of manganese, cobalt, nickel acetates, cerium benzoate and ferrum nitrate is studied. The reaction medium has an effect both on the apparent rate constants and the activation energy of reactions. The activation energies for the catalytic decomposition reaction in the presence manganese, cobalt, nickel acetates, cerium benzoate and ferrum nitrate are in the range of 65,5–128 kJ/mol. The mechanism of catalytic decomposition of peroxyacetic acid includes two stages. At the first stage, an intermediate peroxyacid compound – a catalyst – is quickly formed. In the second stage, this compound decomposes, forming decomposition productsc. During the catalytic decomposition of peroxyacetic acid, metal ions of the catalyst can change their degree of oxidation according to the Haber-Weiss scheme. Thermal decomposition of peroxyacid was not observed under the studied conditions.
The stabilizing effect of some substances that form strong compounds with metal ions of the catalyst, reducing the rate of catalytic decomposition, has been studied. α-picolinic acid, 8-oxyquinoline, trilon-B have the greatest stabilizing effect. The stabilizing effect of sodium pyrophosphate, sodium polyphosphate and 2-oxynaphthoic acid is small. The stabilizer forms a strong compound with the metal ions of the catalyst, which is inactive in the catalytic decomposition reaction.

Keywords: catalytic decomposition, peroxyacetic acid, activation energy, stabilization, rate constants.


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How to Cite

DUTKA V., MIDYANA G., DUTKA Yu. Catalytic decomposition and stabilization of peroxyacetic acid solutions. Proc. Shevchenko Sci. Soc. Chem. Sci. 2023. Vol. LXXIII. P. 154-160.

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