Chemical Sciences

Archive / Volume LXXIII 2023


Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, Kyryla & Mefodiya Str., 6, L’viv, 79005, Ukraine,



The samples of zeolite (Zt), polyaniline (PAn) and zeolite/polyaniline composite (Zt/PAn) with an approximate mass ratio of components of 1 : 1 has been studied in this work before and after Cr(VI) adsorption by them from model aqueous solutions. The study of the samples of adsorbents was carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), element mapping (EM) and X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRFA) methods.
Results of studies demonstred that surface morphology of the samples both individual components (Zt and PAn) and Zt/PAn composite are rough and heterogeneous and it has formed by the particles of different sizes and shapes with some cavities. EDS analysis of the element composition of the samples confirmed that they contain characteristic elements for these substances. The element mappings on the samples surface showed that they are practically almost uniformly distributed over the surface of the samples. Herewith the dispersed zeolite particles are coated with polyaniline layer, that proceeds in the in-situ process of composite synthesis in aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid.
Adsorption studies of the Zt/PAn samples in relation to Cr(VI) oxyanions were carried out in wide concentration ranges, namely at 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 mg/L. Examination of the composite samples after adsorption tests showed that the zeolite/polyaniline composite sample retains adsorbed chromium, most likely in the Cr(III) form. The analysis of SEM images, EDS spectra and maps of elements showed that the distribution of adsorbed chromium is almost uniform over the surface of the adsorbent, and intensity of its signal on the element maps depends on the initial concentrations of Cr(VI) oxyanion solutions.
It was determined by comparing the contents of the atoms of sulfur (S) and oxygen (O) before and after adsorption, that sulfur is not replaced by chromium, and the oxygen content increases slightly with an increase in the initial concentration of Cr(VI) in the solutions. Similar to the content of chromium also changes the content of potassium (K), which was in the adsorption solution in the composition of the compound K2Cr2O7 and is obviously also adsorbs by sample of Zt/PAn. The adsorbed state of Cr and K was also confirmed by X-ray fluorescence analysis of washed and dried samples of the Zt/PAn composite after the end of the adsorption process.

Keywords: zeolite, polyaniline, zeolite/polyaniline, chromium, adsorption.


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